Boys Track
Name: Jose White
Team News
- Physicals MUST be completed and uploaded to Big Teams/ Student Central before the first day of tryouts.
- Valid Sports Physicals must be dated after April 1st for Spring sports tryouts.
- Those students wishing to try out for a Spring sport and currently playing a Winter sport will be allowed to finish their Winter season and have the opportunity to try out for a Spring sport.
- Students MUST also have passed ELA and Math in the 1st Quarter and continue to pass their current classes.
- Athletic Paperwork MUST be completed by the first game! NO EXCEPTIONS
- Athletic Fees will be added to the Student Accounts TBDÂ
- Any Paperwork or Athletic Fee questions should be directed to the Athletic Director, Ms. Stephanie Jowers at jowers@fortmillschools.orgPlanet HS Update
Planet HSÂ Â is now Student Central. From now on, you will only have to log into Student Central
Once you log into your account and you click on the Athletic Forms you will scroll to the bottom. This is where you upload or complete the required documents.Â
Documents that can be completed in Arbiter Athlete:
- Family History
- Parent Permission & Acknowledgement of RiskÂ
- Athlete/Parent Concussion Statement
- Consent to treatment
Documents that Must be Uploaded:
- Physical Exam Form – signed by the doctor with a clear date
- Birth Certificate
If you need assistance with Student Central or need more information about form requirements, please contact the athletic director at
Thank you!
Banks Trail Athletic Department